CD Media

Our content aims to bring modern software engineering ideas to eyes and minds of developers around the world. At Continuous Delivery Ltd. we believe the secret to furthering the success of software engineers won’t come in the form of tools, rather modern software engineering ideas, techniques and skills. Take a look at our library of content below in whichever way suits your learning style!

The SECRET To Improve Developer Productivity Is... Being HAPPY?

Software's HUGE Impact On The World | Crowdstrike Global IT Outage

5 Ways To BOOST Your Salary As A Software Developer 2024

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These videos are designed to be easily digestible nuggets of knowledge and advice. 10-20 minute visual presentations including graphs, statistics, tips and tricks. They are ideal for sharing amongst teams, contributing to ideas and challenging a software engineer to really think about how they work.

Dave Farley's Books

Dave Farley is the internationally-renowned author of a series of leading books on software development. You can find these books below : Dave’s NEW BOOK Modern Software Engineering The original, award-winning book . Continuous Delivery by Dave Farley and Jez Humble Continuous Delivery Pipelines by Dave Farley

Following me on social media has it’s unique perks too. Thousands of software professionals engage in interesting conversations, every week. Read through the replies to some of the posts and you’ll find world class professionals, fascinating experiences, interesting perspectives on the software world, golden nuggets of advice, and sometimes even the occasional joke! Follow me on Twitter Learn More on Youtube


What is Modern Software Engineering?

I have a new book out. It's called “Modern Software Engineering” and I have been working on it f...

Women in Computing

March 8th is International Women's Day, which got me thinking again about why we have so few w...

Is SAFe safe?

I recently made a passing comment in one of my videos about SAFe, it was a bit of a cheap-shot on m...